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Urbanizing the Regional Sector to Strengthen Economy and Business to Recover from Recession
Cover of Urbanizing the Regional Sector to Strengthen Economy and Business to Recover from Recession
Urbanizing the Regional Sector to Strengthen Economy and Business to Recover from Recession
Proceedings of the 5th International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2021), Malang, Indonesia, 10–11 November 2021

This pandemic does not only affect health aspects but also economic aspects. The world today faces a recession resulting from the covid-19 pandemic. Indonesia's economy continues to lead to a recovery, although not very significant. The current government continues to make various recovery efforts. One of the flagship programs includes encouraging and strengthening support for social protection and increasing the purchasing power of households as well as various business sectors, including small and medium-sized micro enterprises (MSMEs). This condition urges the world to create new breakthroughs to rise from this adversity. Academicians and practitioners need to work together to find the necessary solutions and developments. Surely, it will contribute to solve the problems in society by interdisciplinary cooperation. This collaboration will create innovations in science and technology especially business and economic field.
This book includes in-depth discussions between academicians and practitioners, especially on how to strengthen the regional sectors to be the strong pillars of the country's economy. Interestingly, various methods are used to observe the problems, to explore the solutions, and to develop the innovation.
This book will be of interest to students, scholars, and practitioners of social empowerment, governance, and other related stakeholders.
The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license. Funded by State University of Malang.

This pandemic does not only affect health aspects but also economic aspects. The world today faces a recession resulting from the covid-19 pandemic. Indonesia's economy continues to lead to a recovery, although not very significant. The current government continues to make various recovery efforts. One of the flagship programs includes encouraging and strengthening support for social protection and increasing the purchasing power of households as well as various business sectors, including small and medium-sized micro enterprises (MSMEs). This condition urges the world to create new breakthroughs to rise from this adversity. Academicians and practitioners need to work together to find the necessary solutions and developments. Surely, it will contribute to solve the problems in society by interdisciplinary cooperation. This collaboration will create innovations in science and technology especially business and economic field.
This book includes in-depth discussions between academicians and practitioners, especially on how to strengthen the regional sectors to be the strong pillars of the country's economy. Interestingly, various methods are used to observe the problems, to explore the solutions, and to develop the innovation.
This book will be of interest to students, scholars, and practitioners of social empowerment, governance, and other related stakeholders.
The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license. Funded by State University of Malang.

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Table of Contents-
  • How the pandemic Covid-19 influence the consumer behavior: A case in Indonesia
    Penta Helix participation in developing rural tourism: A case study in Bringin, Malang
    Financial development and economic growth of ASEAN countries in the era Covid-19 pandemic
    E-commerce tax: Is it an opportunity or a defiance for Indonesian Government during the Covid-19 pandemic?
    Lexicon Syariah: Lexicon mobile learning application development based on individual learning in Islamic Economics
    Spending on tourism in East Java with a demand system approach: Household micro data analysis
    Digital Marketing: The Implementation in MSMEs
    State universities legal entities towards good governance and public trust
    Public sector innovation and the Indonesian civil servants: An insider's view
    The role of affective commitment, competence, and organizational culture on employee performance
    Accounting students: Our learning style for disruption era
    Entrepreneurship of Bugis ethnic group: A case study of Bugis nomads in Malang, Indonesia
    Developing Android media for evaluating learning process of accounting in trading company and manufacture
    Are only masks against Covid-19 for lecturer workers?
    Job satisfaction as the mediating variable in the correlation between quality of work life and work engagement
    Factors influencing intention to use in implementing accounting standards for islamic boarding school in East Java: application of the UTAUT Model
    A study on business sustainability of SMEs during pandemic Covid 19
    Compensation, workload, work satisfaction analisys toward performance through employee work stress at Royal Orchids Garden Hotel and Condominiums Batu, East Java
    Collecting toys for happiness: Examining adults' satisfaction in playing with their toys
    The phenomenon of accumulation budget realization in the end of the year: A case study in Malang City of East Java Indonesia
    The creativity of creative industry players based on Malay culture facing the industrial revolution 4.0 in Riau Province
    Covid-19 versus the health, savety, and environment (HSE) norm law in Indonesia
    Relationship between nutrition intake, education facilities and unemployment to Indonesia's development
    Investigation of investor behavior bias in extreme stock market situation
    The role of financial literacy for housewives: How important is it during the Covid-19 pandemic?
    An investigation on the financial literacy of accounting students in Indonesia
    Analysis of thin capitalization on listed companies in Indonesia and Australia
    Tax rates reduction, tax understanding, and online tax services to MSME taxpayer compliance during Covid-19
    Risk management strategies in optimizing the potential of Selorejo Village: Threats or opportunities?
    Design and build repayment capacity-based loan mitigation model for women's cooperatives in East Java
    The development of "SIDEDI" application: Early detection instrument to capture radicalism thought symptom for senior high school students
    A perspectives of characteristic government budget work plan based on Habermas Theo

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    CRC Press
  • OverDrive Read
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Urbanizing the Regional Sector to Strengthen Economy and Business to Recover from Recession
Urbanizing the Regional Sector to Strengthen Economy and Business to Recover from Recession
Proceedings of the 5th International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2021), Malang, Indonesia, 10–11 November 2021
Aulia Herdiani
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