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Sport, Identity and Inclusion in Europe
Cover of Sport, Identity and Inclusion in Europe
Sport, Identity and Inclusion in Europe
The Experiences of LGBTQ People in Sport

This book explores and critically assesses the challenges and experiences of LGBTQ people within sport in Europe. It presents cutting-edge research data and insights from across the continent, with a focus on sport policy, sport systems, and issues around anti-discrimination and inclusion.

The book introduces the theoretical and methodological foundations of research into LGBTQ people in sport and then presents in-depth comparative surveys of systems and experiences in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the UK, and Spain. A final section considers the effectiveness of policy in this area and motives for participation, and looks ahead at future directions in research, policy, and practice.

Tracing the frontiers of our understanding of the experiences of LGBTQ people in contemporary Europe, this is fascinating reading for anybody with an interest in the sociology of sport, sport policy, LGBTQI studies, gender and sexuality studies, or cultural studies.

The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.

This book explores and critically assesses the challenges and experiences of LGBTQ people within sport in Europe. It presents cutting-edge research data and insights from across the continent, with a focus on sport policy, sport systems, and issues around anti-discrimination and inclusion.

The book introduces the theoretical and methodological foundations of research into LGBTQ people in sport and then presents in-depth comparative surveys of systems and experiences in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the UK, and Spain. A final section considers the effectiveness of policy in this area and motives for participation, and looks ahead at future directions in research, policy, and practice.

Tracing the frontiers of our understanding of the experiences of LGBTQ people in contemporary Europe, this is fascinating reading for anybody with an interest in the sociology of sport, sport policy, LGBTQI studies, gender and sexuality studies, or cultural studies.

The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.

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Table of Contents-
  • Introduction

    Ilse Hartmann-Tews

    Part I

    Mapping the Field

    1 Theoretical Perspectives and Methodological Approaches for Studying LGBTQ Experiences in Sport

    Birgit Braumüller and Tim Schlunski

    2 Experiences of LGBTQ Individuals in Sport in Europe: The Impact of Societal, Organisational and Individual Factors

    Ilse Hartmann-Tews, Tobias Menzel and Birgit Braumüller

    3 The European Gay and Lesbian Sport Federation: Advocacy Work in Europe

    Annette Wachter and Hugh Torrance

    Part II

    Country Reports: Policy of Inclusion and Experiences of LGBTQ in Sport

    4 Masculinity, Homonegativity and Ignorance as Barriers to the Inclusion of LGBTQ People in Austrian Sports Cultures

    Nikola Staritz and Almut Sülzle

    5 LGBTQ-Related Sports Policies and the Experiences of LGBTQ Individuals in Sports in France

    Mathilde Huillard and Ilse Hartmann-Tews

    6 Experiences of LGBTQ People in Sports and Sports Inclusion Policies in Germany: Sport for All!?

    Ilse Hartmann-Tews and Benjamin Csonka

    7 LGBTQ People and the Influence of Gender in Sports in Hungary

    Anna Szlávi

    8 Inclusion Policy and the Experiences of LGBTQ Athletes in Grassroots Sports in Italy

    Klaus Heusslein, Rosario Coco and Ilaria Bibbiani

    9 Policies of Inclusion and the Experiences of LGBTQ Peoples in Sports in the UK

    Hugh Torrance

    10 LGBTQ People in Physical Activity and Sport in Spain: Research, Sport Policy and Inclusion

    Javier Gil-Quintana, Angélica Maria Sáenz-Macana, Elena López-Cañada, Joan Úbeda-Colomer and Sofía Pereira-García

    Part III

    Diversity Matters: Policy of Inclusion and Experiences of Gender and Sexual Minorities

    11 Sexual Diversity in the Eyes of Sports Managers: Are We Building Inclusive Physical Activity and Sport Contexts?

    Juan Aldaz Arregui, Nagore Martinez-Merino, Oidui Usabiaga Arruabarrena and Uxue Fernandez-Lasa

    12 Monitoring 'Inclusive Masculinity' in Sport in the Netherlands 2008-2021: No Problems with Gay Men, but No Gay Inclusive Cultures

    Agnes Elling and Rens Cremers

    13 Lesbianism in Sport: The Heteronormative Challenge

    Susanna Soler-Prat, Anna Vilanova, Judith Solanas, Daniel Martos-Garcia and Wenceslao García-Puchades

    14 Gay Athletes at the 2017 World OutGames: A Qualitative Analysis

    Joaquín Piedra and David Moscoso-Sánchez

    15 Physical Activity and Sport Among Spanish Trans Persons: Participation Data and Personal and Sociocultural Factors

    José Devís-Devís, Elena López-Cañada, Sofía Pereira-García, Jorge Fuentes-Miguel, Alexandra Valencia-Peris and Víctor Pérez Samaniego


    Ilse Hartmann-Tews

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  • Publisher
    Taylor and Francis
  • OverDrive Read
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  • Copyright Protection (DRM) required by the Publisher may be applied to this title to limit or prohibit printing or copying. File sharing or redistribution is prohibited. Your rights to access this material expire at the end of the lending period. Please see Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials for terms applicable to this content.

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Sport, Identity and Inclusion in Europe
Sport, Identity and Inclusion in Europe
The Experiences of LGBTQ People in Sport
Ilse Hartmann-Tews
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