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The Other Boleyn Girl
Cover of The Other Boleyn Girl
The Other Boleyn Girl
Fabulous historical by Philippa Gregory, the queen of Tudor novels. Set in the court of King Henry VIII, Mary Boleyn attracts the attention of the young king and becomes his mistress; when he tires of her, she sets out to school her sister, Anne, as a replacement. When Henry VIII tires of pretty young Mary Boleyn, her powerful family instructs her to promote her sister, Anne, as a replacement. But Anne Boleyn, newly returned from the French court, intelligent and spirited, doesn't agree to be Henry's mistress – only his wife. PItting the king's desperation for an heir against his powerful advisors – Wolsey, Cromwell and Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk – what Anne brings about will change the course of a country's history. Told with all of Philippa Gregory's characteristic perceptiveness, backed by meticulous historical research and superb storytelling skills, The Other Boleyn Girl brings a legendary court, its politics, personalities and scheming vividly to life.
Fabulous historical by Philippa Gregory, the queen of Tudor novels. Set in the court of King Henry VIII, Mary Boleyn attracts the attention of the young king and becomes his mistress; when he tires of her, she sets out to school her sister, Anne, as a replacement. When Henry VIII tires of pretty young Mary Boleyn, her powerful family instructs her to promote her sister, Anne, as a replacement. But Anne Boleyn, newly returned from the French court, intelligent and spirited, doesn't agree to be Henry's mistress – only his wife. PItting the king's desperation for an heir against his powerful advisors – Wolsey, Cromwell and Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk – what Anne brings about will change the course of a country's history. Told with all of Philippa Gregory's characteristic perceptiveness, backed by meticulous historical research and superb storytelling skills, The Other Boleyn Girl brings a legendary court, its politics, personalities and scheming vividly to life.
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About the Author-
  • Philippa Gregory is an internationally renowned author of historical novels. She holds a PhD in eighteenth-century literature from the University of Edinburgh. Works that have been adapted for television include A Respectable Trade, The Other Boleyn Girl and The Queen's Fool. The Other Boleyn Girl is now a major film, starring Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman and Eric Bana. Philippa Gregory lives in the North of England with her family.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    Starred review from May 27, 2002
    Sisterly rivalry is the basis of this fresh, wonderfully vivid retelling of the story of Anne Boleyn. Anne, her sister Mary and their brother George are all brought to the king's court at a young age, as players in their uncle's plans to advance the family's fortunes. Mary, the sweet, blond sister, wins King Henry VIII's favor when she is barely 14 and already married to one of his courtiers. Their affair lasts several years, and she gives Henry a daughter and a son. But her dark, clever, scheming sister, Anne, insinuates herself into Henry's graces, styling herself as his adviser and confidant. Soon she displaces Mary as his lover and begins her machinations to rid him of his wife, Katherine of Aragon. This is only the beginning of the intrigue that Gregory so handily chronicles, capturing beautifully the mingled hate and nearly incestuous love Anne, Mary and George ("kin and enemies all at once") feel for each other and the toll their family's ambition takes on them. Mary, the story's narrator, is the most sympathetic of the siblings, but even she is twisted by the demands of power and status; charming George, an able plotter, finally brings disaster on his own head by falling in love with a male courtier. Anne, most tormented of all, is ruthless in her drive to become queen, and then to give Henry a male heir. Rather than settling for a picturesque rendering of court life, Gregory conveys its claustrophobic, all-consuming nature with consummate skill. In the end, Anne's famous, tragic end is offset by Mary's happier fate, but the self-defeating folly of the quest for power lingers longest in the reader's mind. (June 4)Forecast:Lovers of historical romances heavy on the history will relish this new entry from Gregory and perhaps propel it onto bestseller lists this summer.

  • AudioFile Magazine The other Boleyn is Mary, the little-known sister of Henry VIII's second wife, Anne. Susan Lyons first introduces us to the intricate power struggles of King Henry VIII's Court through the Boleyn parents, whose cold, rigid tones let listeners, and Mary, know that family loyalty is paramount. Contrast between siblings is crucial to the story; Anne's haughty, authoritative pride rings in Lyons's words while Mary's tenderness for Henry, her children, and later William Stafford, is just as strong--as is her shock at the scheming of her family. As Anne's power grows, Lyons provides a commanding tone to her voice while also expressing Mary's longing for the peace of country life. S.W. (c) AudioFile 2007, Portland, Maine
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The Other Boleyn Girl
The Other Boleyn Girl
Philippa Gregory
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