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What Is My Plant Telling Me?
Cover of What Is My Plant Telling Me?
What Is My Plant Telling Me?
An Illustrated Guide to Houseplants and How to Keep Them Alive
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Keep your house plants alive and thriving with this illustrated, accessible guide to popular house plants for new and experienced plant-parents alike.
Many new gardeners are finally starting to understand why bringing the outside indoors is so appealing. From improving home décor to mental health, plants have so many benefits. But keeping them alive (and most importantly, thriving) isn't always easy! What does it mean if your plant has brown tips? Rotting roots? Yellow leaves? The list goes on.

Don't you just wish your plants could communicate what's wrong and how to fix it?

What Is My Plant Telling Me? answers all your plant-based questions making it the perfect companion for anyone interested in keeping their plants looking their best. This illustrated guide to the fifty most popular house plants will show you how to:
-Speak your plant's language
-Identify classic distress signals
-Intervene successfully to keep your plants thriving for years to come
-Choose plants that work best for your space
-Pick the best locations within your home to keep your new plants
-Identify the pot size needed when you want to replant
-And more!

Whether you're interested in growing a cactus, orchid, or even the popular Fiddle Leaf Fig, this book is the perfect guide to deciphering the message your plant is telling you and what you can do to revive it.
Keep your house plants alive and thriving with this illustrated, accessible guide to popular house plants for new and experienced plant-parents alike.
Many new gardeners are finally starting to understand why bringing the outside indoors is so appealing. From improving home décor to mental health, plants have so many benefits. But keeping them alive (and most importantly, thriving) isn't always easy! What does it mean if your plant has brown tips? Rotting roots? Yellow leaves? The list goes on.

Don't you just wish your plants could communicate what's wrong and how to fix it?

What Is My Plant Telling Me? answers all your plant-based questions making it the perfect companion for anyone interested in keeping their plants looking their best. This illustrated guide to the fifty most popular house plants will show you how to:
-Speak your plant's language
-Identify classic distress signals
-Intervene successfully to keep your plants thriving for years to come
-Choose plants that work best for your space
-Pick the best locations within your home to keep your new plants
-Identify the pot size needed when you want to replant
-And more!

Whether you're interested in growing a cactus, orchid, or even the popular Fiddle Leaf Fig, this book is the perfect guide to deciphering the message your plant is telling you and what you can do to revive it.
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About the Author-
  • Emily L. Hay Hinsdale is a freelance writer, an enthusiastic cook, a dedicated traveler, a determined pedestrian, and a life-long gardener.
  • Publisher's Weekly

    June 20, 2022
    Helping out ailing houseplants is no big deal, according to this chatty guide to “bringing your green buddy back to health” from gardener Hinsdale (Never Put a Cactus in the Bathroom). Fifty chapters follow a similar formula: there’s a short description of the plant, a breakdown of its basic needs (including water, light, and soil), and a look at common problems. The author does a great job explaining plants by the lifestyles they best suit: readers who want a “forest of foliage” at home will do well with begonias as they “breed like rabbits,” for example, while those who tend to forget about their plants will get along perfectly with an Aspidistra, aka the cast iron plant, because even breathing coal fire won’t kill them. Hinsdale points out that a “successful plant/person relationship is symbiotic,” so with “a little self-awareness” on behalf of collectors, their plants will “ any space they occupy into a better place to inhale.” The illustrations are fun, as are Hinsdale’s quips: “Don’t panic. And stop crying into your cactus; they don’t like that much moisture anyway.” Budding green thumbs will find these handy tips worth returning t. Agent: Emily Sylvan Kim, Prospect Agency.

  • Library Journal

    July 1, 2022

    Hinsdale's (Never Put a Cactus in the Bathroom) latest is a handy reference guide to caring for 50 popular varieties of houseplant, organized in alphabetical order by plants' common name. Each plant gets a physical description that includes the scientific name, sets out the specific environmental requirements that will keep the plant healthy, and details ailments or growing problems that plant owners may encounter. There's also a comprehensive index with cross-references to plants' scientific names. Hinsdale's prose is at once lighthearted, entertaining, useful, and practical. Illustrator Harris does a great job of rendering attractive, stylized images that still manage to accurately depict plants and their ailments. VERDICT Amateur plant enthusiasts are the intended audience, but this title could certainly be useful to more experienced houseplant owners. This book will be of particular interest to public libraries.--Keri Youngstrand

    Copyright 2022 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

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    S&S/Simon Element
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  • Copyright Protection (DRM) required by the Publisher may be applied to this title to limit or prohibit printing or copying. File sharing or redistribution is prohibited. Your rights to access this material expire at the end of the lending period. Please see Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials for terms applicable to this content.

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What Is My Plant Telling Me?
What Is My Plant Telling Me?
An Illustrated Guide to Houseplants and How to Keep Them Alive
Emily L. Hay Hinsdale
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