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The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett
Cover of The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett
The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett
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From bestselling author Chelsea Sedoti comes a comedic young adult mystery with "one of the most relatable characters in recent young adult literature" (Book Page), perfect for fans of John Green and Jandy Nelson. Hawthorn Creely's not one to get involved in other people's business. But a missing person's investigation? That's another matter...

Hawthorn wasn't trying to insert herself into a missing person's investigation. Or maybe she was. But that's only because Lizzie Lovett's disappearance is the one fascinating mystery their sleepy town has ever had. Bad things don't happen to popular girls like Lizzie Lovett, and Hawthorn is convinced she'll turn up at any moment—which means the time for speculation is now.

So Hawthorn comes up with her own theory for Lizzie's disappearance. A theory way too absurd to take first. The more Hawthorn talks, the more she believes. And what better way to collect evidence than to immerse herself in Lizzie's life? Like getting a job at the diner where Lizzie worked and hanging out with Lizzie's boyfriend. After all, it's not as if he killed her—or did he?

Told with a unique voice that is both hilarious and heart-wrenching, Hawthorn's quest for proof may uncover the greatest truth is within herself.

Perfect for buyers looking for:

  • funny books for teens
  • character-driven coming-of-age stories
  • the young adult books best sellers 2017
  • Also by Chelsea Sedoti:

    It Came from the Sky

    As You Wish

    Praise for The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett:

    "A dark, comedic mystery about a girl's quest for proof that ultimately helps her discover some truths about herself. We officially love Hawthorn. [O]ffbeat, smart and awesome."—Justine Magazine

    "Sedoti's debut offers an enlightening look at the dangers of relying on outward appearances to judge someone's character, and Hawthorn's first-person narrative, filled with obsessive thoughts and, eventually, meaningful reflection, is a lively, engaging vehicle for the story... Fans of character-driven novels will appreciate this."—Booklist

    "Hawthorn and Lizzie both emerge as surprising, intricate characters whose stories are resonant and memorable."—Publishers Weekly

    "Hawthorn is an engaging young woman with a vivid imagination...With an interesting and diverse supporting cast, this novel is full of topics that are relevant to teens: bullying, self-esteem, family dynamics, and suicide. Highly recommended."—Shelf Awarenes

    From bestselling author Chelsea Sedoti comes a comedic young adult mystery with "one of the most relatable characters in recent young adult literature" (Book Page), perfect for fans of John Green and Jandy Nelson. Hawthorn Creely's not one to get involved in other people's business. But a missing person's investigation? That's another matter...

    Hawthorn wasn't trying to insert herself into a missing person's investigation. Or maybe she was. But that's only because Lizzie Lovett's disappearance is the one fascinating mystery their sleepy town has ever had. Bad things don't happen to popular girls like Lizzie Lovett, and Hawthorn is convinced she'll turn up at any moment—which means the time for speculation is now.

    So Hawthorn comes up with her own theory for Lizzie's disappearance. A theory way too absurd to take first. The more Hawthorn talks, the more she believes. And what better way to collect evidence than to immerse herself in Lizzie's life? Like getting a job at the diner where Lizzie worked and hanging out with Lizzie's boyfriend. After all, it's not as if he killed her—or did he?

    Told with a unique voice that is both hilarious and heart-wrenching, Hawthorn's quest for proof may uncover the greatest truth is within herself.

    Perfect for buyers looking for:

  • funny books for teens
  • character-driven coming-of-age stories
  • the young adult books best sellers 2017
  • Also by Chelsea Sedoti:

    It Came from the Sky

    As You Wish

    Praise for The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett:

    "A dark, comedic mystery about a girl's quest for proof that ultimately helps her discover some truths about herself. We officially love Hawthorn. [O]ffbeat, smart and awesome."—Justine Magazine

    "Sedoti's debut offers an enlightening look at the dangers of relying on outward appearances to judge someone's character, and Hawthorn's first-person narrative, filled with obsessive thoughts and, eventually, meaningful reflection, is a lively, engaging vehicle for the story... Fans of character-driven novels will appreciate this."—Booklist

    "Hawthorn and Lizzie both emerge as surprising, intricate characters whose stories are resonant and memorable."—Publishers Weekly

    "Hawthorn is an engaging young woman with a vivid imagination...With an interesting and diverse supporting cast, this novel is full of topics that are relevant to teens: bullying, self-esteem, family dynamics, and suicide. Highly recommended."—Shelf Awarenes

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    About the Author-
    • Chelsea Sedoti fell in love with writing at a young age after discovering that making up stories was more fun than doing her schoolwork. (Her teachers didn't always appreciate this.) She now focuses that passion by writing about flawed teenagers who are also afraid of growing up, like in her novels, The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett and As You Wish. She lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, where she avoids casinos but loves roaming the Mojave Desert. Visit her at

    • Publisher's Weekly

      December 12, 2016
      At 17, Hawthorn Creely is only four years younger than Lizzie Lovett, a local woman who has gone missing from a nearby campsite. Hawthorn, still holding a grudge after being dismissed by Lizzie years earlier, becomes fixated on the older girl’s life since high school. Under the guise of investigating her paranormal theory behind Lizzie’s disappearance, Hawthorn befriends Lizzie’s boyfriend, begins waitressing at the diner where she worked, and visits places Lizzie frequented. But Hawthorn’s true motivation often seems to meander from the missing woman: “Maybe, if I showed the world that werewolves existed, people would stop asking me about my plans for the future. No one would care about the future, because I would have already proven myself, accomplished something great.” Hawthorn is self-involved, shortsighted, and often selfish, but Sedoti deftly pulls readers into her head where her yearning for excitement, angst about the future, and insecurity bring further depth to her character. Hawthorn and Lizzie both emerge as surprising, intricate characters whose stories are resonant and memorable. Ages 14–up. Agent: Suzie Townsend, New Leaf Literary & Media.

    • Kirkus

      October 15, 2016
      Hawthorn Creely always hated Lizzie Lovett, so why is she distraught when Lizzie goes missing in this seamless blend of mystery and relationship fiction?Nothing big ever happens in small-town, blue-collar Griffin Mills (45 minutes from Pittsburgh), until once-popular Lizzie Lovett disappears while camping with her boyfriend. High school senior Hawthorn (named by her flower-child mother) knew Lizzie when she was a freshman and Lizzie was a senior dating her older brother. Hawthorn, ever the outsider, envied Lizzie's happiness, but when she begins to learn tidbits about Lizzie's much-different life after high school, she becomes obsessed with finding out more and even trying to find her. She turns to Lorenzo Calvetti, Lizzie's boyfriend at the time of her disappearance (even though he could be her killer since...gulp, murder hasn't been ruled out), to help collect clues and solve the mystery. In yet another Gone Girl variation, the story is less about the twists and more about the search. But Hawthorn's search for Lizzie turns into a search for self as she yearns for adventure and love (and sex?). Adding to the seemingly all-white cast of characters, authentic given the setting, are an old friend, bullies, and a caravan of hippies, who offer more struggles and wisdom. Hawthorn tells it all with a realistic voice. A solid coming-of-age novel with light spunk and individuality. (Fiction. 14-18)

      COPYRIGHT(2016) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

    • School Library Journal

      November 1, 2016

      Gr 9 Up-Lonely misfit high school senior Hawthorn Creely finds respite from pressure at school and at home by searching for a missing student: popular Lizzie Lovett. There are no clues, burning secrets, or great reveals surrounding Lizzie's disappearance. Instead, Hawthorn's wildly creative imagination and humor drive this mystery's plot forward. In a somewhat disturbing turn of events, she steps into Lizzie's life, taking the missing girl's old job and becoming involved with her boyfriend, Enzo. Hawthorn's insecurities and eventual self-discovery comprise the central themes of the novel as she navigates dates, dances, mean girls, and social isolation. Ultimately, Sundog, a visiting hippie, gives Hawthorn sensible spiritual guidance: "Some people are born knowing their paths from the start. The rest of us take a while to get there." Sage advice indeed. Some readers may be put off by the lack of a traditional whodunit story line as well as by Hawthorn's sometimes odd responses to situations, while other readers may find her eccentricities refreshingly honest and recognize an authentic teen voice. Some mature situations, including sex and drinking, are woven throughout. VERDICT Recommended for teens who appreciate a protagonist with a lively imagination and an acerbic tongue.-Eva Thaler-Sroussi, Glencoe Public Library, IL

      Copyright 2016 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

    • Booklist

      October 15, 2016
      Grades 9-12 When Lizzie Lovett goes missing, Hawthorn becomes obsessedhow could something bad happen to beautiful, popular Lizzie, who always seemed immune to pain? Hawthorn, who's always coveted Lizzie's seemingly easy existence, goes to desperate, nearly crazy lengths to explain her disappearance, and in the process of her investigation, she befriends Lizzie's 25-year-old boyfriend, Enzo, who indulges her bizarre quest (more than he should) and makes Hawthorn feel like less of an outsider. But she becomes so caught up in her search that she finds herself even more alienated, and when the truth finally comes out, Hawthorn is forced to examine her own choices. Sedoti's debut offers an enlightening look at the dangers of relying on outward appearances to judge someone's character, and Hawthorn's first-person narrative, filled with obsessive thoughts and, eventually, meaningful reflection, is a lively, engaging vehicle for the story. A rich cast of secondary characters, including Hawthorn's family and a caravan of hippies camping in her backyard, adds depth. Fans of character-driven novels will appreciate this.(Reprinted with permission of Booklist, copyright 2016, American Library Association.)

    • The Horn Book

      July 1, 2017
      Eccentric seventeen-year-old Hawthorn claims not to care about social hierarchies. But when Lizzie Lovett, a popular former classmate, goes missing, Hawthorn becomes more and more fascinated with Lizzie and starts investigating. Hawthorn's offbeat sensibility and matter-of-fact voice feel fresh, but with her lack of self-awareness--and an inscrutable fixation on the supernatural--she's not always endearing.

      (Copyright 2017 by The Horn Book, Incorporated, Boston. All rights reserved.)

    • Justine Magazine "A dark, comedic mystery about a girl's quest for proof that ultimately helps her discover some truths about herself. We officially love Hawthorn. One minute, our heart was breaking with her raw, aching loneliness, then we were laughing with her crazy sideways wisdom. Like Thorny, this book is offbeat, smart and awesome.
    • School Library Journal "Hawthorn's wildly creative imagination and humor drive this mystery's plot forward...Recommended for teens who appreciate a protagonist with a lively imagination and an acerbic tongue"
    • Publishers Weekly "Sedoti deftly pulls readers into [Hawthorn's] head where her yearning for excitement, angst about the future, and insecurity bring further depth to her character. Hawthorn and Lizzie both emerge as surprising, intricate characters whose stories are resonant and memorable.
    • Shelf Awareness "Hawthorn is an engaging young woman with a vivid imagination...With an interesting and diverse supporting cast, this novel is full of topics that are relevant to teens: bullying, self-esteem, family dynamics, and suicide. Highly recommended"
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