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Routledge Handbook of Sport and the Environment
Cover of Routledge Handbook of Sport and the Environment
Routledge Handbook of Sport and the Environment
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The natural environment is a central issue in both academic and wider societal discourse. The global sport industry is not immune from this discussion and has to confront its responsibility to reduce its impact on the natural environment. This book goes further than any other in surveying both the challenges and the opportunities presented to the sports industry as it engages with the sustainability agenda, exploring the various ways in which sport scholars can integrate sustainability into their research. With a multidisciplinary sweep, including management, sociology, law, events, and ethics, this is a ground-breaking book in the study of sport.

Drawing on cutting-edge research, it includes over thirty chapters covering all the most important themes in contemporary sport studies such as:

  • climate change, sustainability, and corporate social responsibility
  • ethics, governance, and the law
  • event management, tourism, and pollution
  • marketing, branding, and consumer behavior
  • the Olympics, urban development, and mega-event legacies.
  • With contributions from world-leading researchers and practitioners from around the globe, this is the most comprehensive book ever published on sport and the environment.

    The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.

    The natural environment is a central issue in both academic and wider societal discourse. The global sport industry is not immune from this discussion and has to confront its responsibility to reduce its impact on the natural environment. This book goes further than any other in surveying both the challenges and the opportunities presented to the sports industry as it engages with the sustainability agenda, exploring the various ways in which sport scholars can integrate sustainability into their research. With a multidisciplinary sweep, including management, sociology, law, events, and ethics, this is a ground-breaking book in the study of sport.

    Drawing on cutting-edge research, it includes over thirty chapters covering all the most important themes in contemporary sport studies such as:

  • climate change, sustainability, and corporate social responsibility
  • ethics, governance, and the law
  • event management, tourism, and pollution
  • marketing, branding, and consumer behavior
  • the Olympics, urban development, and mega-event legacies.
  • With contributions from world-leading researchers and practitioners from around the globe, this is the most comprehensive book ever published on sport and the environment.

    The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.

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    • OverDrive Read
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    Table of Contents-
    • Forewords

      [Russell S. Seymour]

      [Geert Hendriks]

      Section I: Foundations of Sport and Environmental Sustainability

      1. An introduction to environmental sustainability and sport
      [Brian P. McCullough and Timothy B. Kellison]

      2. Robustness of the sport and environment sustainability literature and where to go from here
      [Cheryl Mallen]

      3. Economics, sport, and the environment: Incentives and intersections
      [Allen R. Sanderson and Sabina L. Shaikh]

      4. Ethical foundations for sustainability in sport
      [Danny Rosenberg]

      5. Climate change and the future of international events: A case of the Olympic and Paralympic Games
      [Lisa M. DeChano-Cook and Fred M. Shelley]

      6. Sport-environmental sustainability (sport-ES) education
      [Greg Dingle and Cheryl Mallen]

      Section II: Management and Marketing

      7. Organizational capacity and sport, the environment, and sustainability: Making the case for capacity building
      [Julie Stevens]

      8.The Olympics: Institutionalization and standardization of sustainability
      [Jon Helge Lesjø and Erlend Aas Gulbrandsen]

      9. Environmental sustainability rhetoric in sport
      [Michael E. Pfahl]

      10. Marketing sustainability through sport: The importance of target market insights
      [Galen T. Trail and Brian P. McCullough]

      11. Using sustainability to attract new partnerships
      [Lana L. Huberty]

      12. Sponsors as meso level actors in sport: Understanding individual decisions as foundational to sustainability in food and drink
      [T. Bettina Cornwell and Joerg Koenigstorfer]

      13. Corporate social responsibility campaigns and sports sponsorship: Employee responses
      [Martin R. Edwards]

      14. Vancouver, green capital: The green business branding strategy of the host city of an Olympic Games
      [Joseph Weiler and Patrick Weiler]

      Section III: Facilities and Operations

      15. Assessing the environmental impact of economic activity surrounding major sport events
      [Andrea Collins and Annette Roberts]

      16. Environmental certifications of sport facilities and events
      [Sheila N. Nguyen]

      17. Resident input and mega event legacies: Environmental concerns
      [Kyriaki Kaplanidou]

      18. Third-party assurance of sustainability reporting: The case of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games[Eleni Theodoraki]

      19. Implementing environmental sustainability in athletic training operations
      [Kelly Potteiger]

      Section IV: Event Management

      20. Sport venue sustainability: The role of local context and stakeholder engagement
      [Kathryn L. Heinze and Sara Soderstrom]

      21. Sustainable behaviors and the tailgater
      [Andy Gillentine]

      22. Tailgating and air quality
      [Jonathan M. Casper and Kyle S. Bunds]

      23. STOKE certified: Initiating sustainability certification in surf tourism
      [Danny O'Brien and Jess Ponting]

      Section V: Sociocultural Approaches

      24. Sustainability, greenwashing, and the light green approach to sport environmentalism
      [jay johnson and Adam Ehsan Ali]

      25. Sport participation to create a deeper environmental identity with pro-environmental behaviors
      [Vinathe Sharma-Brymer, Tonia Gray, and Eric...

    Title Information+
    • Publisher
      Taylor and Francis
    • OverDrive Read
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    • Copyright Protection (DRM) required by the Publisher may be applied to this title to limit or prohibit printing or copying. File sharing or redistribution is prohibited. Your rights to access this material expire at the end of the lending period. Please see Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials for terms applicable to this content.

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