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Qualitative Research in Gambling
Cover of Qualitative Research in Gambling
Qualitative Research in Gambling
Exploring the production and consumption of risk
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The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 license.

Gambling is both a multi-billion-dollar international industry and a ubiquitous social and cultural phenomenon. It is also undergoing significant change, with new products and technologies, regulatory models, changing public attitudes and the sheer scale of the gambling enterprise necessitating innovative and mixed methodologies that are flexible, responsive and 'agile'. This book seeks to demonstrate that researchers should look beyond the existing disciplinary territory and the dominant paradigm of 'problem gambling' in order to follow those changes across territorial, political, technical, regulatory and conceptual boundaries.

The book draws on cutting-edge qualitative work in disciplines including geography, organisational studies, sociology, East Asian studies and anthropology to explore the production and consumption of risk, risky places, risk technologies, the gambling industry and connections between gambling and other kinds of speculation such as financial derivatives. In doing so it addresses some of the most important issues in contemporary social science, including: the challenges of studying deterritorialised social phenomena; globalising technologies and local markets; regulation as it operates across local, regional and international scales; and the rise of games, virtual worlds and social media.

The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 license.

Gambling is both a multi-billion-dollar international industry and a ubiquitous social and cultural phenomenon. It is also undergoing significant change, with new products and technologies, regulatory models, changing public attitudes and the sheer scale of the gambling enterprise necessitating innovative and mixed methodologies that are flexible, responsive and 'agile'. This book seeks to demonstrate that researchers should look beyond the existing disciplinary territory and the dominant paradigm of 'problem gambling' in order to follow those changes across territorial, political, technical, regulatory and conceptual boundaries.

The book draws on cutting-edge qualitative work in disciplines including geography, organisational studies, sociology, East Asian studies and anthropology to explore the production and consumption of risk, risky places, risk technologies, the gambling industry and connections between gambling and other kinds of speculation such as financial derivatives. In doing so it addresses some of the most important issues in contemporary social science, including: the challenges of studying deterritorialised social phenomena; globalising technologies and local markets; regulation as it operates across local, regional and international scales; and the rise of games, virtual worlds and social media.

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Table of Contents-
  • Introduction - Rebecca Cassidy, Claire Loussouarn, Andrea Pisac Border I: Between Methods Chapter 1. Making Money with Money: Reflections of a Betting Man - Keith Hart Chapter 2. The Socio-Temporal Dynamics of Gambling: Narratives of Change over Time - Gerda Reith and Fiona Dobbie Chapter 3. Gambling Histories: Writing the Past in the Present - David Miers Border II: Border Crossings Chapter 4. Croupiers' Sleight of Mind: Playing With Unmanaged 'Spaces' In the Casino Industry - Andrea Pisac Chapter 5. Partial Convergence: Social Gaming and Real Money Gambling - Rebecca Cassidy Chapter 6. Turning The Tables: The Global Gambling Industry's Crusade to Sell Slots in Macau - Natasha Dow Schüll Chapter 7. 'Never a Dull Day': Exploring the Material Organization of Virtual Gambling - Ghazaleh Gariban, Sytze F. Kingma And Natalia Zborowska Border III: Between Worlds Chapter 8. 'Playing Properly': Casinos, Blackjack, and Cultural Intimacy in Cyprus - Julie Scott Chapter 9. Betting On People: Bookmaking at Delhi Racecourse - Stine Simonsen Puri Chapter 10. Bad Luck, Slippery Money and the South African Lottery - Ilana Van Wyk Chapter 11. One-Man One-Man': How Slot-Machines Facilitate Papua New Guineans' Shifting Relations to Each Other - Anthony Pickles Border IV: Between Investment and Gambling Chapter 12. Weather Trading In London: Distinguishing Finance from Gambling - Samuel Randalls Chapter 13. 'If You Don't Care For Your Money, It Won't Care For You': Chronotopes of Risk and Return in Chinese Wealth Management - Lily Chumley And Jing Wang Chapter 14. Playing the Market? The Role of Risk, Uncertainty and Authority in the Construction of Stock Market Forecasts - Stefan Leins Chapter 15. Spread Betting and the City of London - Claire Loussouarn

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Qualitative Research in Gambling
Qualitative Research in Gambling
Exploring the production and consumption of risk
Rebecca Cassidy
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