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Climate Adaptation and Resilience Across Scales
Cover of Climate Adaptation and Resilience Across Scales
Climate Adaptation and Resilience Across Scales
From Buildings to Cities
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Climate Adaptation and Resilience Across Scales provides professionals with guidance on adapting the built environment to a changing climate. This edited volume brings together practitioners and researchers to discuss climate-related resilience from the building to the city scale. This book highlights North American cases that deal with issues such as climate projections, public health, adaptive capacity of vulnerable populations, and design interventions for floodplains, making the content applicable to many locations around the world. The contributors in this book discuss topics ranging from how built environment professionals respond to a changing climate, to how the building stock may need to adapt to climate change, to how resilience is currently being addressed in the design, construction, and operations communities. The purpose of this book is to provide a better understanding of climate change impacts, vulnerability, and resilience across scales of the built environment. Architects, urban designers, planners, landscape architects, and engineers will find this a useful resource for adapting buildings and cities to a changing climate.

Climate Adaptation and Resilience Across Scales provides professionals with guidance on adapting the built environment to a changing climate. This edited volume brings together practitioners and researchers to discuss climate-related resilience from the building to the city scale. This book highlights North American cases that deal with issues such as climate projections, public health, adaptive capacity of vulnerable populations, and design interventions for floodplains, making the content applicable to many locations around the world. The contributors in this book discuss topics ranging from how built environment professionals respond to a changing climate, to how the building stock may need to adapt to climate change, to how resilience is currently being addressed in the design, construction, and operations communities. The purpose of this book is to provide a better understanding of climate change impacts, vulnerability, and resilience across scales of the built environment. Architects, urban designers, planners, landscape architects, and engineers will find this a useful resource for adapting buildings and cities to a changing climate.

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Table of Contents-
  • 1. Introduction

    Nicholas B. Rajkovich and Seth H. Holmes

    2. Resilient Design Modeling: Where are We and Where Can We Go?

    Seth H. Holmes

    3. Planning for a Changing Climate Without Accurate Predictions

    Parag Rastogi and Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan

    4. Tools for Community Energy Empowerment: A Co-Design Approach

    Bess Krietemeyer

    5. RHOnDA: An Online Tool to Help Homeowners and Tenants Increase Resilience

    Michelle Laboy and David Fannon

    6. Resilience Hubs: Shifting Power to Communities Through Action

    Kristin Baja

    7. Climate Change and Health: Connecting the Dots, Building a Resilient Future

    Kim Knowlton and Yerina Mugica

    8. Increasing Adaptive Capacity of Vulnerable Populations Through Inclusive Design

    Jordana Maisel, Brittany Perez, and Krista Macy

    9. Passive Survivability: Keeping Occupants Safe in an Age of Disruptions

    Alex Wilson

    10. Designing Resilient Coastal Communities with Living Shorelines

    Wendy Meguro and Karl Kim

    11. Adapting Inland Floodplain Housing to a Changing Climate: Disturbance, Risk, and Uncertainty as Drivers for Design

    Jamie L. Vanucchi

    12. 4D! Resilient Design in Four Dimensions

    Illya Azaroff

    13. Understanding Sustainability and Resilience as Applied: Tracking the Discourse in City Policy

    Martha Bohm

    14. Perspectives from Practice

    Jason Swift, Braden Kay, Terry Schwarz, Dana Kochnower, Kevin Bush, Jodi Smits Anderson, Allison Anderson, Matthew Elley, Erin Hatcher, Janice Barnes, and Rachel Minnery

Title Information+
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    Taylor and Francis
  • OverDrive Read
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  • Copyright Protection (DRM) required by the Publisher may be applied to this title to limit or prohibit printing or copying. File sharing or redistribution is prohibited. Your rights to access this material expire at the end of the lending period. Please see Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials for terms applicable to this content.

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Climate Adaptation and Resilience Across Scales
Climate Adaptation and Resilience Across Scales
From Buildings to Cities
Nicholas B. Rajkovich
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