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Cities and Affordable Housing
Cover of Cities and Affordable Housing
Cities and Affordable Housing
Planning, Design and Policy Nexus
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This book provides a comparative perspective on housing and planning policies affecting the future of cities, focusing on people- and place-based outcomes using the nexus of planning, design and policy. A rich mosaic of case studies features good practices of city-led strategies for affordable housing provision, as well as individual projects capitalising on partnerships to build mixed-income housing and revitalise neighbourhoods. Twenty chapters provide unique perspectives on diversity of approaches in eight countries and 12 cities in Europe, Canada and the USA. Combining academic rigour with knowledge from critical practice, the book uses robust empirical analysis and evidence-based case study research to illustrate the potential of affordable housing partnerships for mixed-income, socially inclusive neighbourhoods as a model to rebuild cities.

Cities and Affordable Housing is an essential interdisciplinary collection on planning and design that will be of great interest to scholars, urban professionals, architects, planners and policy-makers interested in housing, urban planning and city building.

This book provides a comparative perspective on housing and planning policies affecting the future of cities, focusing on people- and place-based outcomes using the nexus of planning, design and policy. A rich mosaic of case studies features good practices of city-led strategies for affordable housing provision, as well as individual projects capitalising on partnerships to build mixed-income housing and revitalise neighbourhoods. Twenty chapters provide unique perspectives on diversity of approaches in eight countries and 12 cities in Europe, Canada and the USA. Combining academic rigour with knowledge from critical practice, the book uses robust empirical analysis and evidence-based case study research to illustrate the potential of affordable housing partnerships for mixed-income, socially inclusive neighbourhoods as a model to rebuild cities.

Cities and Affordable Housing is an essential interdisciplinary collection on planning and design that will be of great interest to scholars, urban professionals, architects, planners and policy-makers interested in housing, urban planning and city building.

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Table of Contents-
  • 1. Affordable Housing and the Future Cities
    Sasha Tsenkova

    Part I Cities and Affordable Housing

    2. Montréal: Building an Inclusive City
    Suzanne LaFerrière

    3. Affordable Housing and Diversity in Vancouver
    Abigail Bond

    4. Affordable Housing Transition in Calgary
    Sarah Woodgate, Teresa Goldstein, and Claire Noble

    5. Affordable Housing Challenges: The Experience of the City of Edmonton
    Jalene Anderson-Baron and Christel Kjenner
    6. Responses to Toronto's Affordable Housing Challenge: Mobilizing for Action
    Sean Gadon

    Part II Mixed-Income Affordable Housing and Community Building

    7. Mix and Match: A Framework for Understanding Mixed-Income Outcomes
    Shomon Shamsuddin

    8. Mixed-Income Public Housing Transformation in San Francisco and Washington, D.C.
    Joni Hirsch, Mark L. Joseph, and Amy T. Khare

    9. Paris Habitat's Experience of Urban Regeneration to Create Affordable Housing
    Stéphane Dauphin and Hélène Schwoerer

    10. Toronto: Revitalization in Regent Park 12 Years Later
    Vincent Tong

    Part III Affordable Housing Partnerships in Practice

    11. Mixed-Income Housing in New York City: Achievements, Challenges, and Lessons of an Enduring Mayoral Commitment
    Alex F. Schwartz and Sasha Tsenkova

    12. Partnerships for Affordable Housing in English Cities
    Kath Scanlon

    13. Resilience of Social Housing Systems in Vienna, Amsterdam, and Copenhagen
    Sasha Tsenkova

    Part IV Design Innovation in Affordable Housing

    14. Thinking "Outside the Box" about Affordable Homes and Communities
    Avi Friedman

    15. Affordable Housing & Design Innovation: A View from Paris
    Christelle Avenier and Sasha Tsenkova

    16. Affordable Housing Design + A New Urban Era in European Cities
    Paul Karakusevic

    17. Amsterdam: More than a Social Housing Project
    Jeroen Atteveld and Bas Liesker

    Part V Perspectives on Policy Design for Affordable Housing

    18. Pathways of Dutch and German Social Renting
    Marietta Haffner

    19. Social Sustainability in Social and Affordable Housing
    Meryn Severson and Esther de Vos

    20.Private Rental Housing in Canada's Metropolitan Areas: Trends and Prospects
    J. David Hulchanski

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    Taylor and Francis
  • OverDrive Read
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  • Copyright Protection (DRM) required by the Publisher may be applied to this title to limit or prohibit printing or copying. File sharing or redistribution is prohibited. Your rights to access this material expire at the end of the lending period. Please see Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials for terms applicable to this content.

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Cities and Affordable Housing
Cities and Affordable Housing
Planning, Design and Policy Nexus
Sasha Tsenkova
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