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A Community of Practice Approach to Improving Gender Equality in Research
Cover of A Community of Practice Approach to Improving Gender Equality in Research
A Community of Practice Approach to Improving Gender Equality in Research

Bringing together the latest research among various communities of practice (disciplinary and place based as well as thematically organised), this volume reflects upon the knowledge, experience and practice gained through taking a unique community of practice approach to fostering gender equality in the sectors of research and innovation, and higher education in Europe and beyond. Based on research funded by the European Union, it considers how inter-organisational collaboration can foster change for gender equality through sharing of experiences of Gender Equality Plan implementation and examining the role of measures such as change-monitoring systems. As such, it will appeal to social scientists with interests in organisational change, the sociology of work and gender equality.

Bringing together the latest research among various communities of practice (disciplinary and place based as well as thematically organised), this volume reflects upon the knowledge, experience and practice gained through taking a unique community of practice approach to fostering gender equality in the sectors of research and innovation, and higher education in Europe and beyond. Based on research funded by the European Union, it considers how inter-organisational collaboration can foster change for gender equality through sharing of experiences of Gender Equality Plan implementation and examining the role of measures such as change-monitoring systems. As such, it will appeal to social scientists with interests in organisational change, the sociology of work and gender equality.

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Table of Contents-
  • 1. Introduction: Reflecting on a Community of Practice approach to institutional change for a greater gender equality in R&I and HE - Policy and practice

    Jörg Müller and Rachel Palmén

    2. Can a Community of Practice foster institutional change for gender equality?: Conceptualising 'Community of Political Practice'

    Aleksandra Thomson, Sarah H. Barnard, Tarek M. Hasssan and Andrew Dainty

    3. The development of the Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring survey

    Kevin Guyan, Amanda Aldercotte, Jörg Müller, Maria Caprile and Sergi Yanes Torrado

    4. Co-creation Methods for Communities of Practice: Towards institutional change

    Aleksandra Thomson, Kathrin Rabsch, Sarah Barnard, Tarek M. Hasssan and Andrew Dainty

    5. Communities of Practice and gender equality: Fostering structural change in research and academia in Central and Eastern Europe

    Paulina Sekula, Ewelina Ciaputa, Marta Warat, Ewa Krzaklewska, Sarah Beranek and Sybille Reidl

    6. Alternative infrastructure for gender equality in academic institutions in Slovenia: Community of Practice approach

    Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc

    7. Disciplinary Communities of Practice for a greater gender equality in physics & life sciences

    Sonja Reiland, Rachel Palmén and Lisa Kamlade

    8. A gender budgeting Community of Practice and targeted implementation projects: A potential to challenge gender biases in decision-making in research organisations?

    Laufey Axelsdóttir, Finnborg Salome Steinþórsdóttir and Þorgerður J. Einarsdóttir

    9. Sustainability and gender equality: A co-creation and Communities of Practice approach

    Areti Damala, Chloé Mour and Anne-Sophie Godfroy

    10. Benefits and limits of a CoP approach to promote gender equality in R&I

    Sybille Reidl, Sarah Beranek and Florian Holzinger

    11. Scaling up: From Communities of Practice to the three ERA gender equality and mainstreaming objectives: careers, decision-making and integrating the gender dimension into research and educational content

    Kathrin Rabsch, Rachel Palmén, Maria Caprile, Claartje Vinkenburg and Karolina Kublickiene

    12. Concluding remarks: Towards Communities of Practice for greater gender equality

    Rachel Palmén and Jörg Müller

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    Taylor and Francis
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A Community of Practice Approach to Improving Gender Equality in Research
A Community of Practice Approach to Improving Gender Equality in Research
Rachel Palmén
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