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Poster Girl
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Poster Girl
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"Poster Girl is a captivating story full of twists and turns—and no easy answers. I couldn't put this book down." —Karin Slaughter, New York Times bestselling author of Girl, Forgotten

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Veronica Roth, a dystopian novel set in a surveillance state about one woman's desperate search for a missing girl...and the dark family secrets she uncovers along the way.

Sonya Kantor is paying for her parents' sins. Once the privileged daughter of a powerful regime, Sonya is now fighting for scraps in the Aperture, an unconventional prison for members of the now-collapsed Delegation. Sonya has no hope of clemency. She was the regime's former poster girl and the new government had to make an example of her.

But when Alexander Price, the brother of her now-dead fiancé's, appears and offers to broker a deal for her freedom, she allows herself to imagine life outside the Aperture. Her deep knowledge of the Delegation and her father's dark dealings could be the key to finding a missing girl named Grace. Find Grace, gain freedom.

The path to find Grace leads Sonya through an unfamiliar post-Delegation city with echoes of her former life at every turn. She meets Knox, a reclusive tech genius, and Naomi Proctor, Delegation scientist who reveals their most terrifying secret. Faced with open hostility and no resources, it's clear to Sonya this is a task she's meant to fail...unless she can face her unsavory past.

Poster Girl is a haunting dystopian mystery that confronts the consequence of choice...even when those choices aren't your own.

"Poster Girl is a captivating story full of twists and turns—and no easy answers. I couldn't put this book down." —Karin Slaughter, New York Times bestselling author of Girl, Forgotten

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Veronica Roth, a dystopian novel set in a surveillance state about one woman's desperate search for a missing girl...and the dark family secrets she uncovers along the way.

Sonya Kantor is paying for her parents' sins. Once the privileged daughter of a powerful regime, Sonya is now fighting for scraps in the Aperture, an unconventional prison for members of the now-collapsed Delegation. Sonya has no hope of clemency. She was the regime's former poster girl and the new government had to make an example of her.

But when Alexander Price, the brother of her now-dead fiancé's, appears and offers to broker a deal for her freedom, she allows herself to imagine life outside the Aperture. Her deep knowledge of the Delegation and her father's dark dealings could be the key to finding a missing girl named Grace. Find Grace, gain freedom.

The path to find Grace leads Sonya through an unfamiliar post-Delegation city with echoes of her former life at every turn. She meets Knox, a reclusive tech genius, and Naomi Proctor, Delegation scientist who reveals their most terrifying secret. Faced with open hostility and no resources, it's clear to Sonya this is a task she's meant to fail...unless she can face her unsavory past.

Poster Girl is a haunting dystopian mystery that confronts the consequence of choice...even when those choices aren't your own.

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About the Author-
  • VERONICA ROTH is the #1 New York Times best-selling author of the Divergent series (Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant, and Four: A Divergent Collection) and the Carve the Mark duology (Carve the Mark, The Fates Divide). Divergent received the 2011 Goodreads Choice Award for Favorite Book, Publishers Weekly's Best Book of 2011, and was the winner of the YALSA 2012 Teens' Top Ten. The trilogy has been adapted into a blockbuster movie series starring Shailene Woodley and Theo James. Carve the Mark published in January 2017, debuted at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list, and remained on the list for eighteen weeks. The Fates Divide, the second installment of the Carve the Mark series, also debuted at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list.
    Though she was born in Mount Kisco, New York, Veronica's family moved to Hong Kong and Germany before settling in Barrington, Illinois. In elementary school, Veronica read constantly, but it wasn't until she got a "make your own book!" kit from her mother as a gift that she thought to write anything of her own. From that time on, she knew she would write for the rest of her life, whether she was published or not. She wrote the manuscript that would become Divergent in her free time while attending Northwestern University, where she graduated magna cum laude with a degree in English Literature with Creative Writing in 2010.
    She is a board member of YALLFest, the biggest YA book festival in the country, and YALLWEST, its sister festival. She currently lives in Chicago with her husband and their dog, Avi, whose adorable existence is well-documented on Instagram.
  • Library Journal

    May 1, 2022

    "Poster girl" for a totalitarian regime in the Seattle-Portland region that has since fallen, Sonya has been imprisoned for ten years but could earn her freedom if she can find a missing girl taken from her parents under the previous regime. Successful YA author Roth's first adult novel, Chosen Ones, hit the New York Times best sellers list.

    Copyright 2022 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Publisher's Weekly

    May 30, 2022
    After the collapse of a tyrannical government, a woman’s search for a missing girl leads her to uncover a chilling family secret in this sluggish dystopian mystery from bestseller Roth (Chosen Ones). The Delegation ruled the Seattle-Portland-South Vancouver megalopolis with an iron fist, keeping its citizens under constant surveillance using Insight, an ocular implant that tracks the wearer’s every action. Ten years after the fall of the Delegation, Sonya Kantor, a former poster girl for the regime who’s been imprisoned for the role she played in its propaganda machine, is given the opportunity to earn her freedom by locating a missing girl, Grace, who was stolen from her parents by the Delegation. As Sonya searches, she struggles to navigate the much-changed, post-Delegation world and, as her family’s dark past comes to light, she’s forced to reckon with the repercussions of her parents’ actions and confront her own shifting morals. The worldbuilding is fascinating, but Roth only scratches the surface, with more time spent developing Sonya’s life in prison than exploring the outside world or the ramifications of using Insight. This lack of depth extends to the protagonist; though readers will appreciate Sonya’s journey to self-awareness, her lack of interiority makes her difficult to invest in. This won’t go down as one of this talented author’s better works. Agent: Joanna Volpe, New Leaf Literary.

  • Booklist

    August 1, 2022
    Sonya Kantor is the Poster Girl--her face appeared on propaganda posters for the Delegation. But now that the Delegation has fallen to the Triumverate, she lives in a prison apartment. She expects to spend the rest of her life there until Alexander Price, a low-level Triumverate bureaucrat and the older brother of the boy she was to be engaged to, offers her a way out: find Grace Ward, an illegal second child who was taken from her family by the Delegation ten years before. Sonya's Insight--brain-implanted tech--doesn't work anymore, so she has to investigate the old-fashioned way. She first makes contact with a hacker who wants Sonya to get her in touch with the Analog Army, terrorists or freedom fighters, depending on who's asking. But soon the Triumverate wants Sonya off the case, and Alexander doesn't know why. Dour Sonya becomes a character worth rooting for as she discovers the truth about her past, and a hint of romance amid the danger gives the story additional stakes. Roth (Chosen Ones, 2020) has spun an interesting premise into a taut futuristic thriller.


  • Kirkus

    Starred review from August 15, 2022
    Ten years after a sinister government collapsed, a young woman searches for a girl who was kidnapped by that regime. For most people, life under the Delegation meant oppressive surveillance by the Insight, a mandatory biotech implant that monitored their every move and rewarded or punished them based on a strict code of conduct. But Sonya Kantor, whose father was an important Delegation official, reveled in perfecting her behavior based on the Delegation's requirements, even posing for a propaganda poster. When the Delegation is replaced by the Triumverate, a supposedly humane new democracy, Sonya and all the other remaining Delegation loyalists are locked away in the Aperture--a walled-off section of the city where people aren't locked in cells but don't have much in the way of creature comforts, either. One day, 10 years after the uprising, an old friend comes to find Sonya and offers her a deal from the Triumverate: If she can find a girl who was kidnapped by the Delegation, she'll be allowed to move out of the Aperture and rejoin society. One could imagine a dystopian novel set during the uprising that toppled the Delegation in which someone like Sonya is a villain, righteously imprisoned when a new government is formed. But Roth isn't interested in easy victories or happily-ever-afters. Instead, Sonya grapples with the inevitable failure of even the most optimistic governments, the risk that exciting and helpful new technologies can be used for evil, and the responsibility she still bears for who she was and what she did during the Delegation's heyday. The novel manages to be an elegant social commentary without resorting to preachiness, and even the most cynical readers will be as surprised as Sonya when they reach Roth's big reveals about the depths of the Delegation's depravity. A wonderfully complex and nuanced book, perfect for readers who grew up on dystopian YA.

    COPYRIGHT(2022) Kirkus Reviews, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

  • Library Journal

    Starred review from July 1, 2022

    Sonya Kantor, formerly the face of the totalitarian regime that once ruled the Seattle-Portland megacity, has been relegated to a locked ghetto with all of that dictatorship's remaining adherents. The Delegation controlled the behavior of everyone who lived under its all-seeing eye, but Sonya and her family were true believers. Sentenced to life imprisonment, all she believes in now is survival. When an enemy offers her a chance at freedom if she investigates the disappearance of one young girl, she agrees, but doing so will expose the true nature of her beliefs, her family, and her own complicity in crimes that neither she nor the current administration want to see the light of day. While the actions of surveillance states are chilling, it's Sonya's journey that carries the reader through this walk into dark places, as the deeper she looks into the mystery, the more is revealed about her and her family's crimes. VERDICT Roth's (Chosen Ones) latest is highly recommended for readers of dystopian fiction, lovers of Philip K. Dick's thought-police science fiction, and anyone who wants to see how far "If you see something, say something" can be led astray.--Marlene Harris

    Copyright 2022 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Kirkus Reviews (starred review) on Chosen Ones

    "If you enjoy worst-case scenarios involving technology and morality gone wrong, this novel gives you plenty to sink your teeth into. In addition to being alarming, it's also a fun read." — New York Times Book Review

    "Veronica Roth is getting better, which is good, because the future she sees is already partly here. Poster Girl returns the Chicago-based bestselling sci-fi author (Divergent) to our paranoid present, by relocating to a Pacific Northwest surveillance state with a heady Philip K. Dick-lite noir about how much privacy we are willing to give up." — Chicago Tribune

    "Divergent author Roth smartly envisions the repercussions of a government gone too far and the potential abuse of technology in the wrong hands." — Washington Post

    "The expert of dystopian worlds is back with yet another engrossing tale. . . Roth has done it again with her uncanny ability to create strong, inspiring characters and an eerie Big Brother theme." — Shondaland

    "Roth isn't interested in easy victories or happily-ever-afters . . . The novel manages to be an elegant social commentary without resorting to preachiness . . . A wonderfully complex and nuanced book." — Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

    "Highly recommended for readers of dystopian fiction, lovers of Philip K. Dick's thought-police science fiction, and anyone who wants to see how far 'If you see something, say something' can be led astray." — Library Journal (starred review)

    "[A] page-turner." — People

    "Divergent readers will find this compelling page-turner well worth reading." — Buzzfeed

    "Every now and then, I escape into novels set in eerie, dystopian worlds – and this one wowed me....A haunting page-turner!" — First for Women

    "A taut futuristic thriller." — Booklist

    "An engaging and ultimately entertaining look at power and integrity, Poster Girl succeeds in balancing out expected dystopian tropes and characters with thoughtful and humane insights." —

    "Poster Girl is a captivating story full of twists and turns—and no easy answers. Veronica Roth's latest outing will draw you into its broken world, and make you think more deeply of our own. I couldn't put it down." — Karin Slaughter, New York Times bestselling author of Girl, Forgotten

    "Roth weaves a tale of redemption and regret that kept me riveted and guessing until the last page." — Hugh Howey, New York Times bestselling author of Wool and Across the Sand

    "Veronica Roth's Poster Girl is a carbonated noir, a thrilling dystopian page turner, and a novel that pushes at the ideas of justice and compliance. Poster Girl is a rare book that is deeply entertaining while making readers consider deep moral issues." — Megan Giddings, author of Lakewood and The Women Could Fly

    "Someone is always watching, private secrets breed public power, and polite behavior and careful thoughts will not be enough to save everyone from their complicity. This is a smart, propulsive thriller set in a cleverly constructed world, full of tough questions I won't soon forget." — Matt Bell, author of Appleseed

    "This is a story of deep complexity, full of love and loss and hard-won hope." — Marissa Levien, author of The World Gives Way

    "An intelligent, raw, emotional dystopian thriller that asks deep questions about human...

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Veronica Roth
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