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European Planning History in the 20th Century
Cover of European Planning History in the 20th Century
European Planning History in the 20th Century
A Continent of Urban Planning

The history of Europe in the 20th century is closely tied to the history of urban planning. Social and economic progress but also the brute treatment of people and nature throughout Europe were possible due to the use of urban planning and the other levels of spatial planning. Thereby, planning has constituted itself in Europe as an international subject. Since its emergence, through intense exchange but also competition, despite country differences, planning has developed as a European field of practice and scientific discipline. Planning is here much more than the addition of individual histories; however, historiography has treated this history very selective regarding geography and content.

This book searches for an understanding of the historiography of planning in a European dimension. Scholars from Eastern and Western, Southern and Northern Europe address the issues of the public led production of city and the social functions of urban planning in capitalist and state-socialist countries. The examined examples include Poland and USSR, Czech Republic and Slovakia, UK, Netherlands, Germany, France, Portugal and Spain, Italy, and Sweden. The book will be of interest to students and scholars for Urbanism, Urban/Town Planning, Spatial Planning, Spatial Politics, Urban Development, Urban Policies, Planning History and European History of the 20th Century.

The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.

The history of Europe in the 20th century is closely tied to the history of urban planning. Social and economic progress but also the brute treatment of people and nature throughout Europe were possible due to the use of urban planning and the other levels of spatial planning. Thereby, planning has constituted itself in Europe as an international subject. Since its emergence, through intense exchange but also competition, despite country differences, planning has developed as a European field of practice and scientific discipline. Planning is here much more than the addition of individual histories; however, historiography has treated this history very selective regarding geography and content.

This book searches for an understanding of the historiography of planning in a European dimension. Scholars from Eastern and Western, Southern and Northern Europe address the issues of the public led production of city and the social functions of urban planning in capitalist and state-socialist countries. The examined examples include Poland and USSR, Czech Republic and Slovakia, UK, Netherlands, Germany, France, Portugal and Spain, Italy, and Sweden. The book will be of interest to students and scholars for Urbanism, Urban/Town Planning, Spatial Planning, Spatial Politics, Urban Development, Urban Policies, Planning History and European History of the 20th Century.

The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.

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Table of Contents-
  • Introduction: The Continent of Urban Planning and Its Changing Historiography
    Max Welch Guerra 

    Part 1: The Emergence of Contemporary Urban Planning

    1. Historiography avant la lettre? On the Uses of History in Early Town Planning Manuals
    Helene Bihlmaier  

    2. Urban Hygiene and Slum Clearance as Catalysts: The Emergence of the Sanitary City and Town Planning
    Dirk Schubert

    3. The Reverse of Urban Planning: First Steps for a Genealogy of Informal Urbanization in Europe
    Noel Manzano

    4. The Beginning of the Urbanism Teaching in the Schools of Architecture of Madrid and Barcelona: From Trazado, Urbanización y Saneamiento de Poblaciones to Urbanología
    María Cristina García-González

    5. Rethinking Urban Extension and International Influences: Spain and the International Housing and Town Planning Congresses during the 1920s
    María Castrillo Romón and Miguel Fernández-Maroto

    6. Influences of European Urban Planning in post-war Spain: Pedro Bidagor Collection of the Historical Service Archive of the Official College of Architects of Madrid
    Alberto Sanz Hernando

    7. Aménagement, embellissement et extension des villes: The French Law of 1919/1924 on Urban Plans
    Laurent Coudroy de Lille

    8. Bending Interests and Blending Media in the Inter-war Modernism of Central Europe: Wohnung und Werkraum Exhibition
    Marcelo Sagot Better

    Part 2: Functions and Practices of Urban Planning under Changing Social Orders

    1. Swedish Planning and Development in the 20th and 21st Centuries
    Ann Maudsley

    2. Bratislava under Fascist Dictatorship
    Martin Pekár

    3. French Tools for Urban Heritage Protection in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century: From Groundbreaking Systematization to a General Trend toward Integration of Planning Instruments
    Víctor Pérez-Eguíluz

    4. History and Heritage: The Reconstruction of Blitzed Cities
    Peter J. Larkham

    5. Planning GDR and Czechoslovakia: The Scale Question under State Socialism
    Azmah Arzmi

    6. Transportation and Urban Planning under State Socialism: The Tramway in Medium-Sized Cities of the USSR, GDR and CSSR in the 1960s and 1970s
    Elvira Khairullina and Luis Santos y Ganges

    7. Contemporary European City-Making Process: Materialisation-Emptying-Regeneration on Large Land Properties
    Federico Camerin

    8. Elective Affinities: The Recovery of Historic Seminal Ideas of European Urbanism for a Sustainable Urban Design in the Late 20th Century
    Juan Luis de las Rivas

    Part 3: Interpretation of the Twentieth Century Planning History  

    1. Is There a European Planning Tradition?
    Stephen V. Ward

    2. European Planning History in the 20th century as a Reflexive Concept
    Harald Bodenschatz

    3. The Anarchist Strain of Planning History: Pursuing Peter Hall's Cities of Tomorrow Thesis through the Geddes Connection, 1866–1976
    José Luis Oyón and Jere Kuzmanić

    4. Mapping Transnational Planning History in Port City Regions – London, Rotterdam, Hamburg
    Carola Hein

    5. A Look to Transgressive Planning Practices: Calling for Alternative Sources and Actors
    Andrea Gimeno

    6. Neglected Narratives of Post-war Italian Cities: Actors and Rationalities in the Shaping of the Ordinary Residential Landscape
    Gaia Caramellino and Nicole De Togni

    7. The End of the Planned City? Urban planning after 1989...

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    Taylor and Francis
  • OverDrive Read
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European Planning History in the 20th Century
European Planning History in the 20th Century
A Continent of Urban Planning
Max Welch Guerra
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