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Early Printed Music and Material Culture in Central and Western Europe
Cover of Early Printed Music and Material Culture in Central and Western Europe
Early Printed Music and Material Culture in Central and Western Europe
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This book presents a varied and nuanced analysis of the dynamics of the printing, publication, and trade of music in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries across Western and Northern Europe. Chapters consider dimensions of music printing in Britain, the Holy Roman Empire, the Netherlands, France, Spain and Italy, showing how this area of inquiry can engage a wide range of cultural, historical and theoretical issues. From the economic consequences of the international book trade to the history of women music printers, the contributors explore the nuances of the interrelation between the materiality of print music and cultural, aesthetic, religious, legal, gender and economic history. Engaging with the theoretical turns in the humanities towards material culture, mobility studies and digital research, this book offers a wealth of new insights that will be relevant to researchers of early modern music and early print culture alike.
This book presents a varied and nuanced analysis of the dynamics of the printing, publication, and trade of music in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries across Western and Northern Europe. Chapters consider dimensions of music printing in Britain, the Holy Roman Empire, the Netherlands, France, Spain and Italy, showing how this area of inquiry can engage a wide range of cultural, historical and theoretical issues. From the economic consequences of the international book trade to the history of women music printers, the contributors explore the nuances of the interrelation between the materiality of print music and cultural, aesthetic, religious, legal, gender and economic history. Engaging with the theoretical turns in the humanities towards material culture, mobility studies and digital research, this book offers a wealth of new insights that will be relevant to researchers of early modern music and early print culture alike.
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Table of Contents-
  • Introduction: music among the bibliographic disciplines

    Kate van Orden


    PART I


    1 The pioneers of mensural music printing in German-speaking lands:
    networks and type repertoria

    Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl

    2 Printed music papers: research opportunities and challenges

    John Milsom




    3 Musical editions for the Protestant churches of Strasbourg until the end of the Interim (1555)

    Beat Föllmi

    4 Reading the Melopoiae (1507): a search for its owners and users

    Elisabeth Giselbrecht



    Music printing at Wittenberg

    5 Power and ambition: Georg Rhau's strategies for music publishing

    Moritz Kelber

    6 Three Libri missarum of early Lutheran Germany: some reflections on their repertory

    Carlo Bosi



    Music printing in the Low Countries

    7 A date with Tylman Susato: reconsidering the printer's editions

    Martin Ham

    8 The music printers Madeleine and Marie Phalèse in Antwerp, 1629–1675

    Maria Schildt


    PART V

    Printing privileges

    9 Privileges for printed music in the Holy Roman Empire during the sixteenth century

    Grantley McDonald and Stephen Rose

    10 'Unbelievably hard work': Marin Mersenne's Harmonie universelle at the printers

    Leendert van der Miesen



    The book trade

    11 The Montanus & Neuber catalogue of 1560: prices, losses, and a new polyphonic music edition from 1556

    Royston Gustavson

    12 The Officina Plantiniana as publishers and distributors of music, 1578–1600

    Louisa Hunter-Bradley

    13 Competition, collaboration and consumption: early music printing in Seville

    Iain Fenlon

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    Taylor and Francis
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Early Printed Music and Material Culture in Central and Western Europe
Early Printed Music and Material Culture in Central and Western Europe
Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl
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