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A Cosmic Kind of Love
Cover of A Cosmic Kind of Love
A Cosmic Kind of Love
One of Amazon's Best Romances of October!
Space is the last thing an event planner and an astronaut need in this charming new romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author Samantha Young.

When event planner Hallie Goodman receives party-inspiration material from the bride of her latest wedding project, the last thing she expects to find is a collection of digital videos from Darcy’s ex-boyfriend. Hallie knows it’s wrong to keep watching these personal videos, but this guy is cute, funny, and an astronaut on the International Space Station to boot. She’s only human. And it’s not long until she starts sending e-mails and video diaries to his discontinued NASA address. Since they’re bouncing back, there’s no way anyone will ever be able to see them...right?
Christopher Ortiz is readjusting to life on earth and being constantly in the shadow of his deceased older brother. When a friend from NASA’s IT department forwards him the e-mails and video messages Hallie has sent, he can’t help but notice how much her sense of humor and pink hair make his heart race.
Separated by screens, Hallie and Chris are falling in love with each other, one transmission at a time. But can they make their star-crossed romance work when they each learn the other’s baggage?
One of Amazon's Best Romances of October!
Space is the last thing an event planner and an astronaut need in this charming new romantic comedy from New York Times bestselling author Samantha Young.

When event planner Hallie Goodman receives party-inspiration material from the bride of her latest wedding project, the last thing she expects to find is a collection of digital videos from Darcy’s ex-boyfriend. Hallie knows it’s wrong to keep watching these personal videos, but this guy is cute, funny, and an astronaut on the International Space Station to boot. She’s only human. And it’s not long until she starts sending e-mails and video diaries to his discontinued NASA address. Since they’re bouncing back, there’s no way anyone will ever be able to see them...right?
Christopher Ortiz is readjusting to life on earth and being constantly in the shadow of his deceased older brother. When a friend from NASA’s IT department forwards him the e-mails and video messages Hallie has sent, he can’t help but notice how much her sense of humor and pink hair make his heart race.
Separated by screens, Hallie and Chris are falling in love with each other, one transmission at a time. But can they make their star-crossed romance work when they each learn the other’s baggage?
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  • From the cover One


    Present Day

    So what stupid thing happened to you today?"

    I stumbled on one of the concrete steps that led up to my apartment as my boyfriend's question echoed off the stairwell walls from the loudspeaker on my phone.

    A flush of irritation made itself known in my cheeks even though George's tone was teasing. "Nothing," I replied defensively as I continued climbing, trying not to sound out of breath.

    I struggled to hold my phone and my oversized purse with one hand while I opened the door with the other.

    "Come on." George chuckled. "Something had to have happened. It's been almost a week since the last one, so that's, like, a record."

    "The sandwich doesn't count." I huffed, dumping my bag onto my small dining table, which doubled as my office desk.

    "Eating something that makes you nauseated to please a client counts."

    So, okay, maybe I ate several salmon-and-cucumber sandwiches at a client meeting even though the slippery, slimy texture of the salmon made me want to vomit. "Please don't take me back there." I gagged, but the sound softened into a sigh of pleasure as I kicked off my high heels and flattened the arches of my feet onto my cool hardwood floors.

    "You're telling me you've gone a full week without something ridiculous happening?"

    Perhaps I was merely exhausted and low on a sense of humor, but sometimes it seemed like George only stuck around because he found me entertaining. And not in a good way.

    Biting back hurt feelings, I wondered if my defensiveness was less about feeling tired and more about the fact that something stupid had happened to me today. "Fine." I cringed. "About thirty minutes ago, I was on the subway and I saw this guy standing across from me who was super familiar, and he kept looking over at me."

    "Right . . ."

    The mortifying moment was doubly awkward as I relived it. I squeezed my eyes closed against the memory, gritting my teeth. "Well, have you ever bumped into someone who you know but you can't place them or remember their name?"

    "Yeah, that's the worst."

    "Exactly. I'm thinking, Oh God, I know this guy, it's probably from college, but for the life of me I can't remember his name. When he looks at me again, kind of squinting, I'm thinking, Jesus, he knows me and he thinks I'm so rude for not saying hello. . . . So I just cover my ass and blurt out, 'Aren't you going to say hello? It's been forever; it's great to see you again.'"


    I buried my face in my hands, just moving my fingers from my mouth so George could hear my reply. "He looked at me like I was crazy and said, 'I'm sorry, we've never met before. I have no idea who you are.' Well, I couldn't explain to him who I was because I couldn't remember who he was, so we just stood there trying to avoid each other's eyes for the next ten minutes, and just as I got off the subway . . . I remembered where I knew him from."


    My cheeks almost blistered my fingers with the heat of my embarrassment. "It was Joe Ashley, the news anchor, whom I have never met before but do watch regularly on TV."

    There was a moment of silence, and then the sounds of choked laughter came from my phone. George was laughing so hard a reluctant smile curled the corners of my mouth.

    "Oh man, oh babe, I'm sorry." George hee-hawed. "I don't mean to . . . but that's hilarious."

    "I aim to entertain," I said dryly, switching on my coffee machine.

    "Only you," he snorted. "These things only happen to you."

    It certainly felt that way sometimes. I attempted to change the subject back to the reason I'd called him. "Are we still on for...
  • Library Journal

    September 1, 2022

    Young's (Much Ado About You) latest is an emotional contemporary romance. The digital files that event planner Hallie Goodman receives from her new bride-to-be's inspiration portfolio include not only mood boards but also some very personal messages from the bride's ex, Captain Christopher Ortiz, a Mexican American astronaut, recorded during his months aboard the International Space Station. Hallie wasn't planning on watching the videos and reading NASA's golden boy's transmissions, but when her return email bounces back, she begins to pen her own diary-like letters, thinking she is sending them into the void. When NASA IT actually forwards Hallie's messages to Chris, he begins to fall for the pink-haired woman via her confessions of family strife, work woes, and hope for the future. Both Hallie and Chris fall in love with the idealized person captured in their transmissions, but when they meet they must mesh their out-of-space expectations with their messy realities back on Earth. VERDICT Recommended for readers who appreciate exploring complicated family dynamics and a search for identity along with a romance arc.--Elizabeth Gabriel

    Copyright 2022 Library Journal, LLC Used with permission.

  • Booklist

    September 15, 2022
    In Young's (Fight or Flight, 2018) sweep-you-off-your-feet, tender-hearted romance, pink-haired Hallie Goodman loves her job organizing high-profile events all over New York. Her people-pleasing, conflict-avoiding ways have her constantly appeasing her selfish parents during their acrimonious divorce, while her ex's scathing words still rankle. After a stint on the International Space Station, astronaut Captain Christopher Ortiz is back in New York. His popularity on social media lands him a book deal for his memoirs. Since birth, his estranged, domineering father has kept him from his Mexican heritage, which he now wants to explore. He still mourns the deaths of his beloved mother and brother. When Chris' thoughtful video letters from the ISS to his now ex-girlfriend land in Hallie's email, she compulsively watches them. In turn, she sends video journals about her life to Chris' NASA email, which he avidly views. Both are entranced with the candid personality unfurling before them, so when they meet, there is a sense of inevitability and instant connection. It seems that they are already in love, so the story is about learning to trust.


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A Cosmic Kind of Love
A Cosmic Kind of Love
Samantha Young
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