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Young Children in Humanitarian and COVID-19 Crises
Cover of Young Children in Humanitarian and COVID-19 Crises
Young Children in Humanitarian and COVID-19 Crises
Innovations and Lessons from the Global South

The long-term consequences of COVID-19 have been tough for children around the world, but even more so for young children already in humanitarian crisis, whether due to conflict, natural disasters, or economic and political upheaval.

This book investigates how organizations around the world responded to these dual challenges, identifying solutions, and learning opportunities to help to support young children in ongoing and future crises. Drawing on research and voices from the Global South, this book showcases innovations to mobilize new funds and re-allocate existing resources to protect children during the pandemic. It provides important evidence on understudied and overlooked vulnerable populations, recognizing that researchers from the Global South are best positioned to fill these research gaps, contextualize findings, and support the uptake and adoption of recommendations by local decision-makers and practitioners in those same contexts.

The findings in this book will be important for practitioners, policy makers and donors working in or interested in humanitarian contexts, on early childhood development, or early childhood education. The book will also be useful to students and researchers working in these fields.

The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

The long-term consequences of COVID-19 have been tough for children around the world, but even more so for young children already in humanitarian crisis, whether due to conflict, natural disasters, or economic and political upheaval.

This book investigates how organizations around the world responded to these dual challenges, identifying solutions, and learning opportunities to help to support young children in ongoing and future crises. Drawing on research and voices from the Global South, this book showcases innovations to mobilize new funds and re-allocate existing resources to protect children during the pandemic. It provides important evidence on understudied and overlooked vulnerable populations, recognizing that researchers from the Global South are best positioned to fill these research gaps, contextualize findings, and support the uptake and adoption of recommendations by local decision-makers and practitioners in those same contexts.

The findings in this book will be important for practitioners, policy makers and donors working in or interested in humanitarian contexts, on early childhood development, or early childhood education. The book will also be useful to students and researchers working in these fields.

The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

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Table of Contents-
  • Foreword

    Joan Lombardi



    Sweta Shah and Lucy Bassett


    Supporting Young Children Affected by Crisis

    Sweta Shah


    Evidence from Practice and Research: Remote Service Delivery for Early Childhood Development in Humanitarian Settings

    Lucy Bassett and Charles Bradley


    Pashe Achhi: Supporting Children and Caregivers in Bangladesh During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Erum Mariam and Jahanara Ahmad  


    Gindegi Goron: Multi-Crisis Remote Parenting Program in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh

    Ahsan Mahmud, Syful Azam, Anika Habib, Katelin Wilton, Katie Murphy


    Parenting Support for Refugee and Vulnerable Communities in Lebanon and Jordan during COVID-19 and a Humanitarian Crisis

    Ghassan M. Issa, Muna E. Abbas, Lara C. Aoude, Grace J. Boutros, Asma S. Al Khatib, Sahar L. Matarneh, Dima M. AlFayez, Nael H. Alami, Najla A. Lakkis


    Jugar para Soñar: Play-based Early Education for Venezuelan Children on the Move in Colombia during COVID-19

     Camilo Valenzuela, Maria Fernanda Higuera, Estefania Sirlopú Castillo, Gabriela Peña, Katelin Swing Wilton


    Doing It Better with Less: Rethinking Radio for Early Learning during COVID-19 and Other Emergencies

    Simon Richmond and Rachel Christina


    COVID-19 Responsive ECD Programming on Sesame Street: Adaptations and Innovations from Sesame Offices in the Global South

    Nasrin Akter, Abigail Bucuvalas, Anuragini Nagar, Mari Payne, Apurba Shikder, and Julia Tomchinsky


    Formative Research Adaptations and Innovations:
    Case Studies in Developing Global Early Learning Video Content During COVID-19

      Kim Foulds, Samera Zaidi, Belynda Agu, Rehnuma Akhter, Carolina Casas, Ayobisi Osuntusa, Mari Payne, Apurba Shikder, and Sukhna Sawhney


    Sisters of Peace: Para-counselors lead Psychosocial Support for Rohingya children and families during COVID-19

    Erum Mariam and Sarah Tabassum


    Strengthening the Capacity of Early Childhood Leaders During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experience from the Philippines

      Mariel Joy S. Sampang, April Easter U. Macan



    Sweta Shah and Lucy Bassett

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    Taylor and Francis
  • OverDrive Read
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Bahrain, Egypt, Hong Kong, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, the Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen


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Young Children in Humanitarian and COVID-19 Crises
Young Children in Humanitarian and COVID-19 Crises
Innovations and Lessons from the Global South
Sweta Shah
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