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Creating Resilient Landscapes in an Era of Climate Change
Cover of Creating Resilient Landscapes in an Era of Climate Change
Creating Resilient Landscapes in an Era of Climate Change
Global Case Studies and Real-World Solutions
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This book delivers a realistic and feasible framework for creating resilient landscapes in an era of anthropogenic climate change.

From across six continents, this book presents fifteen case studies of differing sociocultural, economic, and biophysical backgrounds that showcase opportunities and limitations for creating resilient landscapes throughout the world. The potential to create socio-ecological resilience is examined across a wide range of landscapes, including agricultural, island, forest, coastal, and urban landscapes, across sixteen countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Guatemala, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Samoa, South Africa, the United States, Turkey, Uruguay, and Vanuatu. Chapters discuss current and future issues around creating a sustainable food system, conserving biodiversity, and climate change adaptation and resilience, with green infrastructure, nature-based architecture, green-tech, and ecosystem services as just a few of the approaches discussed. The book emphasizes solution-oriented approaches for an "ecological hope" that can support landscape resiliency in this chaotic era, and the chapters consider the importance of envisioning an unpredictable future with numerous uncertainties. In this context, the key focus is on how we all can tackle the intertwined impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss, and large-scale land-cover conversion in urban and non-urban landscapes, with particular attention to the concept of landscape resiliency. The volume provides that much-needed link between theory and practice to deliver forward-thinking, practical solutions.

This book will be of great interest to students, researchers, practitioners and policymakers who are interested in the complex relationship between landscapes, climate change, biodiversity loss, and land-based conversion at local, national and global scales.

This book delivers a realistic and feasible framework for creating resilient landscapes in an era of anthropogenic climate change.

From across six continents, this book presents fifteen case studies of differing sociocultural, economic, and biophysical backgrounds that showcase opportunities and limitations for creating resilient landscapes throughout the world. The potential to create socio-ecological resilience is examined across a wide range of landscapes, including agricultural, island, forest, coastal, and urban landscapes, across sixteen countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Guatemala, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Samoa, South Africa, the United States, Turkey, Uruguay, and Vanuatu. Chapters discuss current and future issues around creating a sustainable food system, conserving biodiversity, and climate change adaptation and resilience, with green infrastructure, nature-based architecture, green-tech, and ecosystem services as just a few of the approaches discussed. The book emphasizes solution-oriented approaches for an "ecological hope" that can support landscape resiliency in this chaotic era, and the chapters consider the importance of envisioning an unpredictable future with numerous uncertainties. In this context, the key focus is on how we all can tackle the intertwined impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss, and large-scale land-cover conversion in urban and non-urban landscapes, with particular attention to the concept of landscape resiliency. The volume provides that much-needed link between theory and practice to deliver forward-thinking, practical solutions.

This book will be of great interest to students, researchers, practitioners and policymakers who are interested in the complex relationship between landscapes, climate change, biodiversity loss, and land-based conversion at local, national and global scales.

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Table of Contents-
  • 1. Landscape Resilience in the Face of Climate Change: A Call to Transition from Despair to Hope

    Amin Rastandeh and Meghann Jarchow

    2. Multifunctional Land Consolidations in Denmark: Rethinking the Pattern of Landownership to Create Resilient Future Landscapes

    Søren Præstholm, Brian Kronvang, Jakob Vesterlund Olsen, Jesper Sølver Schou and Pia Heike Johansen

    3. Resilient Food Production – Resilient Landscapes: The Role of Heterogeneity and Scale

    Kerstin Potthoff and Wenche E. Dramstad

    4. Re-Developing Relationships with Landscapes for Food, Water, and Energy Self-Sufficiency in Southeastern South Dakota, USA

    Meghann Jarchow

    5. A Social Perennial Vision for the North American Great Plains Rooted in the Resilience of a Natural System-Inspired Agriculture

    Aubrey Streit Krug, Timothy E. Crews and Thomas P. McKenna

    6. Resilient Food Systems in the Context of Intersectional Discrimination: Successful Strategies of Women and Indigenous Peoples in Mesoamerica

    Tania Eulalia Martinez-Cruz, Magdalena Reynoso Martinez, and Rachael Ann Cox

    7. Improved Grazing Management for Resilience and Ecosystem Services: The Case of Beef Production Systems on the Campos Grasslands of South America

    Soledad Orcasberro, Laura Astigarraga, Marta Moura Kohmann, Pablo Modernel and Valentín D. Picasso

    8. How Does Gardening Reduce Vulnerability for the Urban Poor in Small Island Developing States? A Case Study of Port Vila, Vanuatu

    Andrew MacKenzie

    9. The Case of the Khayelitsha Wetlands Park, South Africa: Securing Biodiversity and Social Benefits from Urban Greenspace

    Fezile Mathenjwa, Pippin Anderson and Patrick O'Farrell

    10. Green Infrastructure in Hornsby NSW: A Collaborative Method Toward Landscape Resilience

    Simon Kilbane

    11. Satoyama Landscapes: Creating Resilient Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes in Japan

    Katsue Fukamachi

    12. Shifting Concepts of Urban Landscape in Helsinki: From Primary Forests to High Tech Nature-Based Solutions

    Kati Vierikko, Elisa Lähde, Elina Nyberg, Silviya Korpilo and Christopher Raymond

    13. Traditional Nature-Based Architecture and Landscape Design: Lessons from Samoa and Wider Oceania

    Anita Latai-Niusulu, Susana Taua'a, Gabriel Luke Kiddle, Maibritt Pedersen Zari, Paul Blaschke and Victoria Chanse

    14. Estimation of Spatiotemporal Variation in Potential Ecosystem Services: A Case Study of Aydın, Turkey

    Ebru Ersoy Tonyaloğlu and Birsen Kesgin Atak

    15. Scenario Based Thinking to Negotiate Coastal Squeeze of Ecosystems: Green, Blue, Grey and Hybrid Infrastructures for Climate Adaptation and Resilience

    Scott Hawken, Kaihang Zhou, Luke Mosley and Emily Leyden

    16. Utilization of Forest Landscapes for Biodiversity Conservation in a Mediterranean Ecosystem: A Case Study of Greece

    Alexandra D. Solomou

    17. Creating Resilient Landscapes: From a Hopeful Vision to a Long-Lasting Existence

    Amin Rastandeh and Meghann Jarchow

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    Taylor and Francis
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  • Copyright Protection (DRM) required by the Publisher may be applied to this title to limit or prohibit printing or copying. File sharing or redistribution is prohibited. Your rights to access this material expire at the end of the lending period. Please see Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials for terms applicable to this content.

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Creating Resilient Landscapes in an Era of Climate Change
Creating Resilient Landscapes in an Era of Climate Change
Global Case Studies and Real-World Solutions
Amin Rastandeh
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