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Food Security in the High North
Cover of Food Security in the High North
Food Security in the High North
Contemporary Challenges Across the Circumpolar Region
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This book explores the challenges facing food security, sustainability, sovereignty, and supply chains in the Arctic, with a specific focus on Indigenous Peoples.

Offering multidisciplinary insights and with a particular focus on populations in the European High North region, the book highlights the importance of accessible and sustainable traditional foods for the dietary needs of local and Indigenous Peoples. It focuses on foods and natural products that are unique to this region and considers how they play a significant role towards food security and sovereignty. The book captures the tremendous complexity facing populations here as they strive to maintain sustainable food systems – both subsistent and commercial – and regain sovereignty over traditional food production policies. A range of issues are explored including food contamination risks, due to increasing human activities in the region, such as mining, to changing livelihoods and gender roles in the maintenance of traditional food security and sovereignty. The book also considers processing methods that combine indigenous and traditional knowledge to convert the traditional foods, that are harvested and hunted, into local foods.

This book offers a broader understanding of food security and sovereignty and will be of interest to academics, scholars and policy makers working in food studies; geography and environmental studies; agricultural studies; sociology; anthropology; political science; health studies and biology.

This book explores the challenges facing food security, sustainability, sovereignty, and supply chains in the Arctic, with a specific focus on Indigenous Peoples.

Offering multidisciplinary insights and with a particular focus on populations in the European High North region, the book highlights the importance of accessible and sustainable traditional foods for the dietary needs of local and Indigenous Peoples. It focuses on foods and natural products that are unique to this region and considers how they play a significant role towards food security and sovereignty. The book captures the tremendous complexity facing populations here as they strive to maintain sustainable food systems – both subsistent and commercial – and regain sovereignty over traditional food production policies. A range of issues are explored including food contamination risks, due to increasing human activities in the region, such as mining, to changing livelihoods and gender roles in the maintenance of traditional food security and sovereignty. The book also considers processing methods that combine indigenous and traditional knowledge to convert the traditional foods, that are harvested and hunted, into local foods.

This book offers a broader understanding of food security and sovereignty and will be of interest to academics, scholars and policy makers working in food studies; geography and environmental studies; agricultural studies; sociology; anthropology; political science; health studies and biology.

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Table of Contents-
  • Part 1: Food Security, Traditional Knowledge and Livelihoods

    1. 'The Role of Stockfish in Local Food Security: Traditional Knowledge, Transmission and Change in Lofoten, Norway'

    Johana Evelyn Montalvan Castilla

    2. Traditional Reindeer Rangeland Management and a (Human) Rights-Based Approach to Food Sovereignty

    Assi Harkoma and Bruce C. Forbes

    3. Sami Reindeer Herders and the Radioactive Reindeer: Food Security from Different Voice

    Moeko Minagawa

    4. Traditional Nutrition of Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic Zone of Western Siberia: Challenges and Impact on Food Security and Health

    Elena Bogdanova, Andrey Lobanov, Sergei Andronov, Andrei Popov, Ruslan Kochkin and Ildikó Asztalos Morell

    5. Dietary Issues in Contemporary Greenland: Dietary Patterns, Food Insecurity, and the Role of Traditional Food Among Greenlandic Inuit in the Twenty-First Century

    Peter Bjerregaard, Ingelise Olesen, Tine Curtis, and Christina V.L. Larsen

    Part 2: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives on Food (In)Security

    6. Human Rights Begin with Breakfast: Maintenance of and Access to Stable Traditional Food Systems with a Focus on the European High Arctic

    Kamrul Hossain and Noor Jahan Punam

    7. Sami Identity and Traditional Livelihood Practices: From Non-Indigenous to Indigenous Food Frameworks

    Corinna Casi

    8. Food Security Management in the Western Russian Arctic Zone: Current Status and Information Support Issues

    Maxim Shishaev, Zhanna Kasparyan and Pavel Lomov

    9. Arctic Food Crisis Management

    Christer Pursiainen

    10. Food Security from a Food Regimes Perspective

    Victòria Soldevila Lafon

    Part 3: Arctic Food Security Keys to the Future

    11. Some Reflections on Swedish Food Strategies from a Sami and an Arctic Perspective

    Lena Maria Nilsson

    12. Bridging Food Security Gaps in the European High North Through the Internet of Food

    Dele Raheem, Borja Ramis Ferrer, and Jose L. Martinez Lastra

    13. Food Security and Fertiliser Supply: The Role of Arctic Deposits

    Hinnerk Gnutzmann and Piotr Śpiewanowski

    14. Community-Led Initiatives as Innovative Responses: Shaping the Future of Food Security and Food Sovereignty in Canada

    Thora Martina Herrmann, Philip A. Loring, Tricia Fleming, Shirley Thompson, Annie Lamalice, Marion Macé, Véronique Coxam, Geraldine Laurendeau, and Sylvie Blangy

    15. Building Traditional Food Knowledge: An Approach to Food Security Through North-South Dialogue

    Anne Ouma

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    Taylor and Francis
  • OverDrive Read
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  • Copyright Protection (DRM) required by the Publisher may be applied to this title to limit or prohibit printing or copying. File sharing or redistribution is prohibited. Your rights to access this material expire at the end of the lending period. Please see Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials for terms applicable to this content.

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Food Security in the High North
Food Security in the High North
Contemporary Challenges Across the Circumpolar Region
Kamrul Hossain
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